Just My….

The unconditional love of love is unconditional

A love so profound it defies the very laws of nature

Or does it?

Some are oblivious

For it is the beginning of all beauty that will be

It’s love of the rarest

It is the saving grace of all who suffer

It’s the power to prove humanity can be good

Should be good

Is meant to be good

It’s the tiny voice in the darkness when all is to be lost

A child

A mom

A God

It’s indescribable

It’s undeniable

It’s grace

It’s forgiveness


Say, it’s you loving me
My mind, it’s all the same
You write undignified
Hey, loves your game
We’re done, I say
because you’re so shallow
Reaching day after day
You reach, day to day

Slay, all those things
So that I feel okay
I write undignified
Forget, it’s all the same
Love can’t always play,
the motionless victim of sorrow
Down on my knees, I plea
On my knees I plea

Searching, not found
I scream
and scream
Until I’ve drowned
Without a sound
I scream
and scream
Without a sound

Some they say, just walk away
This, the day

Down on my knees, I plea
On my knees, I plea
I plea

Searching, not found
I scream
and scream
Until I’ve drowned
Without a sound
I scream
and scream
Without a sound

Artwork by Izi @izi_art_i_guess

By @izi_art_i_guess     

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Is our life set in the threshold of realism, as in do we truly exist?

Does anyone definitively know if we are in fact, real?

Remember that proverb, “To know life is to live life,” or is it the other way around?

In any case~

What if we are mere figments of imagination? Conceivably a dream or reflection in the mirror, like an imitation of what might or would have been. If the universe was created by a simple flight of fancy, and if that fancy becomes monotonous, will all life come to its final conclusion and be forever removed from existence?

And if this is true, and I’m genuinely not here, then it’s impossible that you’re reading my little rant and therefore we are delicate fabrications allocated into sections that make up an entire narrative. But not of our own.

Impossible, right?

So many questions, too few answers. Which in turn leads to the day-old query as to which the answer permanently eludes, “What is the meaning of life.”

Perhaps that’s not really the question. Maybe, just maybe, that is the answer.

There are so many who are broken and adrift who contemplate this lost cause when the cause was never fair-minded, to begin with. Making the what, in this case, irrelevant because if what doesn’t exist and if there’s no logical reasoning in regards to the truth, then such a question serves no purpose. Therefore the only possible conclusion is, “just live.”

Like the proverb suggests, carry on and reject the possibility that one day this life will end at any given moment, terminating all that coincides within the illusion. Even if every last one of us is a fantasy caught in the swiftest of rivers with no hope of escape, life implores us to flourish, gain experience, thrive, and fall madly in love.

And there we have it, problematic actions with countless, frivolous interpretations to come full circle.  Therefore the question arises once more and will do so for always.  So I ask this, if the question returns back to itself, then isn’t it possible that the answer resides in its own uncertainty?

Office Bio of the Month – Love Is

LOVE ~ “Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth

all things.”

1 Corinthians 13:7


With the charisma of an American sweetheart, there are many admiring comments that can be said about Jeannie Tinges. She’s smart, kind, funny, and an all-around beautiful person, inside and out.

Being from Lake Oswego, Oregon, it’s no surprise just how laid-back she is and how easy it is getting to know her.

First and foremost, Jeannie loves her family. Married with two children, 2017 has proven to be an exciting year for the Tinges.

In September she celebrated her 34th wedding anniversary with her “Teddy Spaghetti.” It was clear to the couple, a camping trip suited them best for such an occasion. Packed up with the necessities, including their two adorable puppies, Olive and Snickerdoodle, they drove to Stanley Lake towing their RV trailer they purchased earlier this year.

Located in Custer County, Idaho on the Salmon River, Jeannie & Ted spent a lot of time in the Stanley area hiking and fishing. “It was GORGEOUS! We really had a fabulous time! It is now our favorite place! Probably the best summer yet!”

Another special event took place on July 7th, when her son, Justin married his beautiful bride, Katelyn. Of course, the date, 7/7/17 was no coincidence. 

The wedding was celebrated at Jeannie’s parents beach property in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. “What a beautiful day to get married. Grandma and papas house was the perfect spot!”

Jeannie’s 27-year-old daughter, Clare, recently earned her Master’s Degree in Film Editing and recently moved to California pursuing her film career. “I’m so proud of both of them.”

No matter where you are, family is precious and important and no one appreciates that better than Jeannie, “Family isn’t the most important thing, family is everything.” ~Michael J. Fox

Interesting facts about Jeannie Tinges:

She was baptized in the Jordan River, June 2013. Christians around the world visit and are baptized here believing this is the sacred and religious site where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

Nordstrom’s cosmetic department was her place of employment for fifteen years. It’s no wonder Jeannie looks amazing – she has inside tricks of the trade as well as full access to the products!

For State Farm Insurance, she was licensed in life, health, auto, and fire as well as sold mortgage and auto loans. We can only envision her educating customers about insurance products and helping our community deal with life’s unforeseen possibilities of the unexpected.

One of her favorite things to do is loving on her two adorable puppies, Olive & Snickerdoodle. “Ted named Snickers. I wanted either Opal or Martini!”

Almost daily, she walks and plays with these two auspicious pups. How lucky are they to call Jeannie and Ted their humans!

All in all, it’s not at all surprising Jeannie Tinges is our office bio of the month! Her integrity speaks for itself; Doing the right thing even when no one watching, putting others before herself, and being honest.