
Is our life set in the threshold of realism, as in do we truly exist?

Does anyone definitively know if we are in fact, real?

Remember that proverb, “To know life is to live life,” or is it the other way around?

In any case~

What if we are mere figments of imagination? Conceivably a dream or reflection in the mirror, like an imitation of what might or would have been. If the universe was created by a simple flight of fancy, and if that fancy becomes monotonous, will all life come to its final conclusion and be forever removed from existence?

And if this is true, and I’m genuinely not here, then it’s impossible that you’re reading my little rant and therefore we are delicate fabrications allocated into sections that make up an entire narrative. But not of our own.

Impossible, right?

So many questions, too few answers. Which in turn leads to the day-old query as to which the answer permanently eludes, “What is the meaning of life.”

Perhaps that’s not really the question. Maybe, just maybe, that is the answer.

There are so many who are broken and adrift who contemplate this lost cause when the cause was never fair-minded, to begin with. Making the what, in this case, irrelevant because if what doesn’t exist and if there’s no logical reasoning in regards to the truth, then such a question serves no purpose. Therefore the only possible conclusion is, “just live.”

Like the proverb suggests, carry on and reject the possibility that one day this life will end at any given moment, terminating all that coincides within the illusion. Even if every last one of us is a fantasy caught in the swiftest of rivers with no hope of escape, life implores us to flourish, gain experience, thrive, and fall madly in love.

And there we have it, problematic actions with countless, frivolous interpretations to come full circle.  Therefore the question arises once more and will do so for always.  So I ask this, if the question returns back to itself, then isn’t it possible that the answer resides in its own uncertainty?

The Situation of Devistation


Round and round, the world rolls over thereupon,

without warning the stars begin to fall

We are now deficient of all once grasped so tightly, they are no longer near and dear

Uncivilized and nefarious are manners of unholy children with hollow minds

and love for thy neighbor is extinct nevertheless, all’s omitted to blame

Gone are the days of caring in a decade of narcissism

Who would cherish the declaration just the same?

Silent intonations forces incoherence as darkness corrupts,

turning the sweetest personage bitter

Societies infected by feculent lies and cannot be saved

Please mourn the loss of tenderness, for soon memories  forgotten

as degradation plagues the unbroken, the perfect

Ultimately, pursuits of the abhorrent will occur

Should civilization be safeguarded and benefit restoration?

Most have proven unworthiness beyond contestation

Conspire and eradicate, now is the hour of natural selection

Adieu 2016


Fables confessed in unlikely fashions
At times reveal illogical accounts
Tales declared with improbable actions
Adventures in that cannot be denounced
Truths declare imaginations adrift
By virtues of what, fated to be learned
Worry not, stories befall as a gift
For inventiveness will be undiscerned
A myth represents prolific visions
Irresolute expressions narrated
Fanciful delights redeem ambitions
Prose for all transpires and created
Compositions, alike air, bestow times
Poetic justice delightfully follows
Words become life force; deliberate rhymes
Morphemes sentiments, lovely as the rose

As the new year approaches, I wanted to bid farewell to 2016 with thanksgiving in my heart and not the bitterness of a middle finger. I am grateful for the overabundance of words inside my head demanding to be set free. With a passion for books and music, it’s important that I send off this year with happy writings of a poem about appreciating what’s good in life. Happy New Year to you!

Thank you for visiting my website and supporting my writing!

Best Regards,


Binding Dreadfully


It was a gun that ruined childhood

Wielded by the barbaric maniac

terrorizing innocence, killing righteousness

without perceptions of accountability

Stripped away is the influence of morality

as the creation of defense molds justification

Self preservation takes precedence

the childs naiveté dies

It was a gun that ruined adolescence 

Subjectively slaying courage

with luminations and deafening discharges 

shattering windows, yet provides no exits 

Instead, permanently trapping souls in evil caskets

Inescapable salvation leading nowhere

no hiding, no hope

Yet unwilling to follow defeat

Enabling imagination to conceal dark truths

It was a gun that ruined life

depriving choices in lieu of allowing elections

Permitting neither tranquility or peace

Sabotaging any chance of everlasting love 

Spoiling happiness, robbing normality

Distorted reality is founded

solidifying inveterate loneliness impossible to overcome

Lack of conviction defeats confidence

Conspiracy corrupts, so begins the destruction 

It was a gun that ruined marriage

on a night that should have ended in romance

instead of violence and brutality

Vexed are eyes of the drunkard 

full of rage and malice, guilty of the unthinkable 

What was once beautiful is now damaged

Unrecognizable to the world 

Wilting to nothingness, expecting nothing

Contemplating the day, guns no longer ruin



The decade has been waisted
Times cruel touch grasp heavily,
     sure to crush the will to live
Today, there’s no sense to make,
     as pain poisons all logic
Brutal are the hands that wound,
     and violently kills love

Damaged, broken, the brides mocked
     a whore labeled unworthy
Children question the why’s
     without answers presented
Assumptions deem her useless
     disposable, deserving

Hands meant to protect, heal, love
     merely offend with a strike
Uncaring notions at best
     concerning a lifelong vow
Vows meant nothing from cold lips
     emotionless, without care

Sacrificed everything
     for nothing but selfish gains
Taking down everyone
     without consideration
While labeling the bride, whore
     a beaten down, foul, whore